Hart of the Matter (A Love of the Game Novella) Read online

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  “Here, baby. Squeeze my hand and pretend it’s my neck.” The more violent she became, the happier her husband seemed.

  “What is wrong with you, Hart?”

  “You’re having our baby. I finally talked you into getting pregnant and even if you refuse to ever have another one, you’re giving me a child of my own and I love you so much, Bailey.”

  Carefully shushing the part of her brain that wanted to punch him in the face, and probably fracture her wrist again, she stared at her husband closely.

  His love for her practically glowed from his latte skin. Hart didn’t care what she said, how she behaved, or how much she resented this part of the pregnancy experience.

  He loved her and he’d forgive her because he understood more about her than anyone else. Even Harley didn’t know the darkest secrets of her heart the way he did. She’d shared things with Hart that made her cry, that made her scream, and he loved her through it.

  In all her life, she’d never shown another person every part of her. With him, she knew she could.

  All because once he accepted his love for her, he accepted all of her unconditionally.

  Another contraction hit and she held his huge hand in both of hers.

  “You’re so brave, Bailey. So beautiful even in that awful hospital gown I know you can’t wait to get rid of. You can do this because you’re one tough as nails bitch, am I right?”

  She nodded, gritted her teeth, and kept her eyes on him. Tears tracked down her cheeks as she rode the spasms that prepared her body to push the child she’d made with him into the world.

  “That’s it, baby. You’ve fucking got this. No one is as strong as you are, Bailey. I’m right here and I’m sorry I can’t take the pain for you. I’ll make it up to you for as long as you need me to.”

  “I love you, Hart.”

  “I love you, pretty girl. You’re doing great.”

  For the next hour, Hart didn’t move from her side. He soothed her with his words and his presence. He didn’t look away from her face no matter who came in the room.

  His other palm settled over her distended belly and he rubbed her gently. “I’ve never seen anyone so beautiful pregnant. I know how scared you’ve been but you’ve been amazing, sweetheart. You’re going to be an incredible mom. I hope I can make you proud as a dad.”

  “You’re a natural…Hart!” There was so much pressure suddenly that she screamed his name. “Help me, something’s wrong.”

  A nurse came in and still he watched her, held her hand, and murmured softly.

  “Mrs. Jamison, the baby is coming.” The nurse called the doctor and things started to move quickly.

  “Hart, I need to sit up.” He moved immediately, scooping her into a sitting position as they removed the end of the bed and settled her feet in stirrups. “Don’t let me go. Please don’t let me go.”

  “Never, Bailey. You’re the other half of my heart. It’s going to be okay. I’m here. I love you.”

  Then she had to push and it hurt so fucking bad but she did it anyway because her body didn’t understand stop or reverse. Later, Hart would tell her that she prayed in Spanish but he didn’t understand the words. She would always pretend not to remember.

  Please God, help me make it through this and give Hart this gift in return for his love.

  When their child came into the world after fifteen minutes of pushing, she sobbed in relief and took the comfort and safety he offered.

  The instant release of tension whooshed through her body and she passed out in his arms.

  * * *

  Hart held his wife and smoothed her hair from her damp face. He lowered her carefully to the bed and simply stared at her as tears slipped from beneath his lids.

  The nurse approached but at first, he didn’t notice. Glancing up, he saw she held a small bundled wrapped in pale blue. “Your son, Mr. Jamison. He’s quite lovely.”

  With shaking hands, he accepted the baby and knew every second of every day had prepared him for this moment.

  Harley and Regina peered around his arms but refused to hold the baby before the new mother. Leaning over Bailey, Hart nuzzled her cheek with his. “My beautiful girl, open your eyes. There’s someone I want you to meet.”

  Long lashes fluttered and lifted. “Hart?”

  “Hi there. Princess, I’d like you to meet our son.” Supporting the baby’s weight, knowing how exhausted his wife was, he held her arms around the tiny little boy.

  “Hart…he’s perfect. Absolutely perfect and so worth every second. Hello, Jordan Harley Jamison. Hello, baby.”

  Harley clapped her hand over her mouth and burst into loud tears. Regina hugged her tight and told them, “We’re going to go tell everyone…give your new little family some time together.” With a soft smile, she added, “I’m so proud of you, Bailey.”

  “Thanks, Mom.” The word never ceased to make her heart thump happily. “We’ll see you upstairs?” Nodding, Hart’s mother guided an emotional Harley from the room.

  Her best friend blew her kisses as she cried.

  Hart sat in the chair by the bed so he could be closer. “You’re so fucking beautiful it makes my heart hurt, Bailey.”

  “I need my makeup bag and a change of clothes.” With a wink, she whispered, “I was totally kidding about not fucking anymore, baby.”

  His bright white smile lit up his face. “I was really hoping you’d say that.”

  “Six weeks…”

  He groaned. Then, with a wicked smile, he leaned close and said at her ear, “No actual intercourse for six weeks. I’m happy to touch you, watch you touch yourself, and stroke off for you, Bailey.”

  When he leaned back, her expression was calculating. “Done. Leave it to us to find a loophole.” Looking down at the baby, she laughed. “Now, let’s see about getting us in a regular room because I’m not popping a boob out in here to feed.”

  Bailey Verreos-Jamison had been a fool for a man for years before he saw her and opened his heart to the love she was desperate to give him.

  It was a day that had changed both of their lives and she was glad she’d never truly been able to let him go. Stubbornness wasn’t always a bad thing.

  Neither was hygiene…Bailey was ready to get the fuck on with it.

  Love of the Game – The Complete Collection

  If you enjoyed “Hart of the Matter” – you’ll love the rest of the stories in the series! This box set includes five stand-alone novellas about hot professional athletes and the women who love them.

  How you play is just the beginning…

  Ready to Rumble – Demitria and Nikolai (wrestling).

  Breaking the Ice – MacKenzie and Diesel (hockey).

  Time to Make the Doughnuts – Josie and Max (football).

  Win, Lose, or Raine – Raine and Jake (baseball).

  The Three Pointer – Harley, Beckham, and Dex (basketball).

  Look for “Love of the Game – The Complete Collection” on Amazon right now!

  About Shayne McClendon

  Shayne McClendon is an indie author who has received rave reviews for her premiere novel “The Barter System.” Other releases include “Yes to Everything,” “Completely Wrecked,” “Love of the Game,” “The Hermit,” and “Hudson” – the second book in “The Barter System” world.

  Writer, mom, and hermit...Shayne listens to the voices in her head because their ideas are awesome. Those around her have learned not to question the crazy. Coffee consumption is too high, amount of sleep is too low, but the words always feel just right.

  She lives in Oklahoma wrangling teenagers, opening doors for her pets, and running her content writing company. She dreams of peace, quiet, travel, and always having a viable internet connection.

  Shayne McClendon's work is available at Amazon. Signed print editions of her work can be purchased through her website bookshop.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three />
  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen


  About Shayne Mcclendon